Fleeting Horizons by Katharina Acht
Katharina Acht
27.9. – 23.12.2023
Schlierbach Abbey
Magret Bilger Gallery + Panoramacafe
Katharina Acht presents three series of works under the exhibition title “Fleeting Horizons” in the gallery spaces of Schlierbach Abbey.
The artist photographs landscapes and creates new spaces with them. She arranges sections differently or installs artificial planes in nature. Through the striking line of the horizon, the situation appears clear at first glance, but on closer inspection it becomes vague and dissolves. In this way, the artist transforms familiar pictorial contents into new ones.
Katharina Acht sees herself as an image maker rather than a photographer. She assembles different levels of reality into a whole and uses photography as an image-generating tool. Her tool is the camera, in her works she combines techniques from sculpture, painting and photography.
Looking at the sea, you lose yourself in shades of color and immerse yourself in the freedom and unboundedness of the ocean.
In the series “Sea” the elements of water and air collide. The connecting element is the horizon that merges two parts of the picture, which come from different places and from different times of the day.
“Mountain Worlds” is a continuation of the series “Snow Landscapes” which were already shown in 2011 in an exhibition in the Panorama Gallery.
Influenced by the landscape of the Salzkammergut, mountains exert a great attraction on Katharina Acht. The artist deconstructs the mountain by photographically breaking it down into individual parts. The striking silhouettes dissolve, a localization is no longer possible. Subsequently, Katharina Acht assembles the cutouts into new mountains and hills. The connecting horizon creates the impression of a harmonious mountain range – a new mountain range emerges.
Katharina Acht deals with the theme of the line in a variety of works.
After the artist spent years photographing the geometric shape in landscapes and combining them to create new images, her next step was to create lines herself. She wraps tree trunks with fabric ribbons and connects them into groups. An artificial horizon is created. This is incomplete, but can still be deciphered. On site, the installation can only be seen from the camera’s point of view. A few steps further on, the line evaporates.
Born in 1982 in Gmunden, Katharina Acht graduated from the HTL for graphic design in 2001 and subsequently studied at the University for Artistic and Industrial Design in Linz. In 2006 she graduated in the branch of fine arts/experimental design.
In 2010 Katharina Acht was awarded the art prize “Junge Kunst” in Passau (DE).
Since then she has been represented as an artist with exhibitions in Germany and abroad and is a member of several art associations. In addition, she curates exhibitions.
2015 – 2021 she directed the renowned Linz art association “DIE KUNSTSCHAFFENDEN” (formerly Vereinigung Kunstschaffender OÖ – bvoö).
Since 2018 she curates the annual nextcomic festival in Linz.
Katharina Acht
27.9. – 23.12.2023
DISPLAY: Tues. Sept. 26, 6 p.m.
Prior Father Gabriel
Katharina Seebacher // Mayoress Schlierbach
About the artist:
Mag.a Eva-Maria Manner // Art historian
Directorate Culture and Society, Dept. of Culture
Renate Moran
Magret Bilger Gallery + Panoramacafe
in the Cistercian Abbey Schlierbach
Opening hours
Magret Bilger Gal.: Tue. to Thu. 8.30-16 h // Fri. 8.30-12 h
Panoramacafe: Tue. to Fri. 8.30-17 h // Sat. 8.30-12 h
Klosterstraße 1 // 4553 Schlierbach // 07582/83 013-0
Katharina Eight
0680 13 13 031
Image material
Image title = file name

Magret Bilger Gallery at Schlierbach Abbey. Visitors become with their body energy part of the room installation LEUCHTENDES GOLD which was created by the two Steyr concept artists Johannes Angerbauer Goldhoff and Andreas Schoenangerer.
A sacral-like space was created. Visitors can use their body energy (capacity) to create their very own “random organ tones” in it on five floor gold fields.
The Margret Bilger Gallery has been in existence since 1978. This year marks the 45th anniversary. Artist Renate Moran, as curator since 2023, has awakened the gallery’s reawakening. “Luminous Gold” is therefore the second exhibition, or room installation in the gallery space (UG) and a work presentation in the Panorama Cafe (1st floor).
The audio installation by Andreas Schoenangerer is a world first. Using the technology inherent in the theremin, which is considered the first electronic instrument ever, the entire space and especially the gold in the room and the people who enter it become a plaything.
The windowless gallery space, which with its backlit glass walls refers to the monastery’s resident stained glass artist and its namesake, who also became famous in this art, was expanded by Johannes Angerbauer Goldhoff to include a glass floor. The LIGHTING GOLD is the only work hanging on the glass wall. It is the only golden telephone directory page of the city of Enns from 1997.
For the 5th time, Angerbauer has diagonally juxtaposed his very intimate HUMANgold kitchen installation with the four-part altarpiece by Andreas Schoenangerer.
The kitchen is only on view until August 25. It will be dismantled as a tribute to the altarpiece!
Contact: Renate Moran 0664 1814594 www.renate-moran.at
Johannes Angerbauer 0676 3935527 www.human.gold
Andreas Schoenangerer 0680 2162819 www.anderer.cc
Duration: 27.06. – 15.09.2023
Open: Tue – Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Documentation at: www.human.gold/leuchtendesgold
#concept art
This was the exhibition opening of 27 June 2023
Shining Gold
Space installation in the Margret Bilger Gallery – Schlierbach Abbey
By the concept artists, Johannes Angerbauer and Andreas Schönangerer
In the second exhibition of the gallery’s reawakening – an effort was made to take a contemporary approach to art. It turns the space into an installation – worth seeing and experiencing.
It was raised and questioned and extended by a glass floor from Angerbauer’s fundus, which was originally covered with gold, freed from it now reveals countless names. In addition, an audio-active sound installation by Schönangerer, wired into the floor, is created by the touch of the moving visitors.
The installation is charged with the personal stories of Angerbauer and Schoenangerer.
Below and above, spatial installation and exhibition are connected. Reflective works by the two artists are complemented by the exhibition in the Panorama Galerie Ebene.
This room installation “Leuchtendes Gold” correlates with the room installation “Unscharf maskieren” in the gallery of KUNSTSCHAFFENDEN OÖ in Linz. 13.6.-7.7.2023
Duration of the exhibition at the Margret Bilger Gallery 27.06. – 15.09.2023
during Panorama and office opening hours
Café Panorama – Schlierbach Abbey (stift-schlierbach.at)

This was the exhibition opening - Lichtungen-Castillo interior from Isabella Scharf-Minichmair:
It was a very nice vernissage with the artist Isabella Scharf-Minichmair- on the theme Lichtungen-Castillo interior . It was atmospheric , appreciative, mindful.
Many thanks to all who helped here.
There is also a film about the opening of Karl- Wilhelm Baier to see. The exhibition can be visited until 16.6. during the opening hours of the Panorama and by appointment.
Here are a few impressions of the vernissage:
Photos@ Credit Peter Königstorfer
Photos@ Stained glass monastery Schlierbach

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear friends of the
Schlierbach Abbey and art !
As already announced, from the beginning of spring there will again be top-class exhibitions in the Margret Bilger Gallery. The new orientation of quality art presentations, as once started and established by Father Alfred, will again play a major role in Schlierbach, stained glass and generally in the Cistercian Monastery. Conceived for the region and for all people interested in art, this is a valuable institution. Besides the sacred and the spiritual, art will also have some socio-political things to say. For art shows to deal with the inner values of people. The artistic direction has been taken over by the artist Renate Moran. Her concern is to bring professional art in all its facets to Schlierbach.
We are pleased that the versatile artist Isabella Scharf-Minichmair has been won for the first exhibition. She studied painting and graphic arts and earned her doctorate on the topic of artistic “securing traces” at the Linz University of Art. Since 2015, the painter has been implementing architecture-related commissions in glass fusing technique for sacred and public spaces in collaboration with the glass painting monastery Schlierbach.
Invitation to the opening of the exhibition
L I C H T U N G E N – Castillo interior
Isabella Scharf-Minichmair
on Tuesday, the 21. 03. 2023 at 18:00
in the Margret Bilger Gallery Stift Schlierbach.
Welcome: Abbot Nikolaus Thiel
To the artist speaks: Renate Moran (artistic direction of the gallery).
A-4553 Schlierbach Abbey Klosterstraße 1
The exhibition L I C H T U N G E N combines abstract and expressive painting in oil on canvas, ink on Japanese paper, as well as small-format works in glass. “Glass is a fascinating material that paradoxically seems to overcome the material through its transparency. Its colorful luminosity and a color shadow that changes with the changing light conditions reinforce this impression. Thus, metaphorical remnants of the immaterial and the transcendent always remain attached to the artistic material glass,” says Scharf-Minichmair. A circumstance, which the painter also encounters in her pictorial examination in a multifaceted and differentiated manner.
Exhibition duration: March 22 – June 16, 2023
Opening hours: Tues. – Thurs. 8:30 – 16:00 , Fri. 8:30 – 12:00
and Fr. and Sa. during the opening hours of the Panorama Cafe.
News and art worth seeing can be found at :
Dr. Isabella Scharf-Minichmair
Studio castle Altpernstein, 4563 Micheldorf
We look forward to seeing you!
Dr. Isabella Scharf-Minichmair
Studio castle Altpernstein – 4563 Micheldorf, Altpernstein 1
Studio and workshop – 4595 Waldneukirchen, Purschkastraße 10
Tel.: 0043 – (0)650 – 55 44 575, www.farbebekennen.at, www.farbebekennen.blog
www.fotografische.at, www.neunzendorf.at